Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hell Gates Open

Since its the start of the Chinese 7th ghost month...

Thought we should share what some of the people or better known as THEY says about this month..

Well, THEY say that during this month, our good "Brothers" & "Sisters" would come and visit earth from beneath...

But the question is.. WHY?

THEY say its because in the other world, its the month of Holidays! that's why they're allowed to come out and roam around freely before returning back.

Also, its the time of the month when they come out to feast on the great food (I'm sure they have food right? We burn so many stuff... Condo, car, money etc... but no food?) as well as replenish their pocket money - as mentioned in the part of burning...

Whatever it is... its better believing than not.

Because THEY say....

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